The Ivy Gourd (Coccinia grandis), also called toruli (Bengali), tindora (tindori, tindoori), parwal, kundru, tondli (तोंडली in Marathi), toroda/kunduri (oriya), thendli, tendli (Konkani), ghiloda, kundri, kowai, kovai, kovakkai (Malayalam - കോവയ്ക്ക),kovakka (Tamil), dondakaya (Telugu - దొండకాయ), tondekayi (Kannada - ತೊಂಡೆಕಾಯಿ), manoli, tindla, gentleman's toes (compare lady'sfingers), tendli, thendli, thainli, tam lueng (ตำลึง), baby watermelon or little gourd (Sanskrit name : Bimbi बिम्बी ) is a tropical vine.
Coccinia grandis botanical description "Dioecious perennial herbaceous vine. Stems mostly glabrous, produced annually from a tuberous rootstock; tendrils simple, axillary. Leaves alternate, simple, blade broadly ovate, 5-lobed, 5-9 x 4–9 cm, acute and mucronate at the apex, cordate with a broad sinus at the base; surfaces glabrous or scaly, with 3-8 glands near the base; margins denticulate; petiole 1–5 cm long. Inflorescence usually of solitary, axillary flowers. Calyx of 5 subulate, recurved lobes 2-5mm long on the hypanthium; peduncle 1–5 cm long. Corolla campanulate, white, 3-4.5 cm long, deeply divided into 5 ovate lobes. Stamens 3, present as staminodes in female flowers. Ovary inferior. Fruit a smooth, bright red, ovoid to ellipsoid berry 2.5–6 cm long" (PIER, 2001).Synonyms of botanical name "" cephalandra indica"
Geographic Spread
Coccinia grandis' native range extends from Africa to Asia including India, Philippines, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, eastern Papua, New Guinea and Northern Territories (Australia) (PIER, 2003). Its documented introduced range includes the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Guam, Saipan, Hawai‘i, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Tonga, and Vanuatu (PIER, 2003).
Seeds or fragments of the vine can be relocated and lead to viable offspring. This can occur when humans transport organic debris or equipment containing C. grandis. Once Ivy Gourd is established, it is presumed that it is spread by birds, rats and other mammals. In Hawaii, PIER (2001) suggests that the fruit may be dispersed by pigs. Long distance dispersal is most commonly carried out by humans due to its culinary uses or by mistake.
Regarded as very invasive and on the Hawaii State Noxious Weed List, Ivy gourd can grow up to four inches per day. Coccinia grows in dense blankets that shade other plants from sunlight and high-jacking nutrients. Native to tropical Africa and Asia, it was introduced to Hawai'i as a backyard food crop. It is sometimes tolerated along garden fences and other outdoor features because of its attractive white flowers. It has escaped to become a vigorous pest in Hawai'i, Florida, Australia, and Texas. In Hawai'i, this plant has spread quickly through Manoa Valley to Punchbowl and into Waimanalo, Oahu, and also into the Kona area. Ivy Gourd's environmental effects are that it smothers and forms a dense canopy smothering and effectively killing vegetation underneath. (NMC Crees, 1997).
Weed Control
There are both physical and chemical recommendations for control of Ivy Gourd. It is very difficult to control this plant physically except for bagging fruits. Hand-harvesting normally does not kill the plant but rather breaks the vine blankets into smaller pieces and the plant is able to reestablish when it touches the ground. These methods can make the infestation worse and further the need for more rigorous control methods. Picking the fruit and placing them in plastic bags can help decrease the seed back that is present with the soil. It is reported by PIER, that when utilizing chemical controls, that Ivy Gourd responded well to a thin-lined bark application of 100% Garlon 4 (triclopyr), leaving plants in place so as not to translocate the herbicide or spread the pest. It is applied multiple times until the vine dies. In Hawaii several species of insect have been introduced with the purpose of being a biocontrol. Two weevils, Acythopeus burkhartorum and A. cocciniae, were introduced by the DOA to Oahu and Hawai'i. African vine moths (Melittia oedipus) were also released onto Oahu and Maui. On the island of Maui it appears that the A. cocciniae is established and are damaging leaves. The larva feed on the plant and the adults chew holes in the leaves. The moth has yet to appear successful in its purpose.
Medicinal Value
The website (2001) describes ivy gourd's various medicinal qualities as follows "The juice of the roots and leaves is used in the treatment of diabetes. The leaves are used as a poultice in treating skin eruptions. The plant is used as a laxative. It is used internally in the treatment of gonorrhea. Aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the plant have shown hypoglycaemic principles."
Ivy gourd extracts and other forms of the plant can be purchased online and in health food stores. It is claimed that these products help regulate blood sugar levels. There is some research to support that compounds in the plant inhibit the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase (Shibib et al, 1993). Glucose-6-phosphatase is one of the key liver enzymes involved in regulating sugar metabolism. Therefore, Ivy Gourd is sometimes recommended for diabetic patients. Although these claims have not been supported, there currently is a fair amount of research focused on the medicinal properties of this plant focusing on its use as an antioxidant, anti-hypoglycemic agent, immune system modulator, etc [1]. Some countries in Asia like Thailand prepare traditional tonic like drinks for medicinal purposes.